Porto santo
  • Shopping Centers in Madeira Island

    Shopping center  is a structure that contains trade establishments such as shops, lanchonetes, restaurants, movies rooms, playground, entertainment park and park,  because of their isolation in relation to the city. It is an area planejado sob a centralised administration, composed of shops aimed at commercial exploitation and to the provision of services, to maintain the balance of the bid.

    About Shopping Center, the majority of the times,  to collect by many services, such as  park
    The shopping centers of media and great dimension work as small cities with a structure governamental (Administration) and its services of police and fireman (security), cleanness, water supply, to maintain the , etc..
    Shoppings trademarks of the largest scale, with same floors, hold rotating stairs couple facilitate movement of people walking from one another. The largest shopping center in the world is the South China Mall in Dongguan, for China, with 1.5 miles establishments in trade, builded at 2005.
    About Shopping Center premium is the  best in the world is granted annual in Cannes, France on and to attribute currently produced at Passage Europe, for Germany

  •  Shopping Center MadeiraShopping, a good movie and an afternoon well past