Porto santo
  • Surfing and Windsufing Madeira

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    The magnificent surf in Madeira was kept secret quite a long time.  Surf enthusiasts spotted these rocky shores only a few short years ago.  After the world championship surf competition came to Madeira, surfing has become much more popular. 
    Sao Vicente, Jardim do Mar and Paul do Mar are all great surf spots. 

    The water temperature is often mild due to the subtropical climate but a full length wet suit is always good to have on hand.  Surfers beware! These waves are known for being big and the rocky coast and rocky ocean floor are not alway welcome to beginner surfers.  Those of you that know the ropes, welcome to paradise!  The surf conditions in Madeira are pretty constant and the best times to come are during the winter and spring.
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    Madeira is also a great spot for windsurfing.  In the summer months, Northerly to North-easterly trade winds blow force 5 with pretty good consistency.  The wind is stronger in late summer.  As the island is mountainous, the wind does not sweep over, but more around the island creating varied wind force depending on the beach.  If it is cloudy, the wind disappears.  In the winter months, the wind can be up to force 8 and changes rapidly. 

    The windsurfing weather in Madeira during the winter is similar to that in the UK and is on a similar storm path.  Riding in the winter months is for the more experienced and may involve lots of drive time between beaches to grab the perfect waves. Some good beaches include : Canico, Funchal and Achadas da Cruz.  You can also ride at Paul do Mar, Canical and Cabo Giroa.  As the weather is still quite mild in the winter, Madeira is a great place to get some waves in without freezing your bum off!  Off season also means half-off on most hotels and tourist attractions.  It is recommended to bring your own gear as rentals aren't easy to come by. 
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    Madeira has one of the highest UV indexes in all of Europe.  Wear loads of sunscreen and reapply often!
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